Mental Health

If you or a friend/relative is suffering from any form of mental health issues such as low mood, anxiety, stress etc please book to see a GP at the Practice – feel free to ask for a double appointment so you have time to talk.

It is important to remember that low mood and/or general anxiety are very common and are part of normal life.

Depression affects about 5% of the population at any one time and is more common in certain groups.

It would be a good idea to talk to someone if your day to day functioning, sleep, appetite, socialising and work is affected.

It is not always clear what has caused this change in mood, sometimes it can be explained by a change in situation, but sometimes comes without any warning or reason.

We have put together a leaflet which may also be of use Self Help Leaflet. Please share this information if you feel it will help in any way.



The loss of a loved one is always a difficult time please click here for information & support for bereavement Help with your bereavement a practical guide. Our team is also available at this difficult time please do not hesitate to contact us 0121 472 0129.

Further support and information can be found by selecting the helpful links below:

Bereavement Advice Centre or call them on 0800 082 1203 (free helpline)

Coping with bereavement

be.macmillan downloadable ebooks


University of Birmingham – Self-Help Guides

These guides provide practical help and advice for many well-being issues. They are written by clinical psychologists and provide simple ways for you to work towards a happier you. Click here to find out more.

University Counselling Service

The University of Birmingham provide a Counselling and Wellbeing Service (CAWS) for all of it's students.

You can speak to your tutor about accessing this service or make a self-referral by clicking here. 

Pause - Forward Thinking Birmingham


Pause@UoB is a drop-in service for students under 25 years to talk about their mental health and wellbeing. 

They will discuss any worries or concerns you might have - not necessarily connected to academic life.

They can help access more specific services, refer to other organisations and share useful resources.

Find them at The Lodge - the building just adjacent to North Gate (past the Library). Opening hours are Tuesdays to Thursday 11.00am to 5.00pm (last drop in session is at 4.15pm).

You can register for phone or virtual support here. This service is available Monday to Friday 11.00am to 5.00pm.

You can find all of their up to date information here.




Mind Birmingham

Mind 1
Mind 2